Instrument Control Lib
Framework to control Oscilloscopes, SMUs, Function Generators and DC Powersupplies via Ethernet.
CCLICommandStruct | |
CCommandLineInterface | This class represents a command line interface to execute common functions of VISA devices |
CConfigFileParser | |
▼CDevice | Basic device class This class contains all basic method of all devices, like Connect, Exec, WhatAmI etc |
▼CDCPowerSupply | |
CSPD1305 | |
▼CFunctionGenerator | |
CKST33500 | |
▼COscilloscope | |
CKST3000 | Mixed Single Oscilloscope(Oscillator) Commend operations of a single generator are defined. KST3000 is the model of the device(keysight 3000 series) |
▼CSMU | Dummy class to allow assignment to SMU class |
CKEI2600 | This class implements the basic functionality of Keithley 2600 series SMU's |
CDeviceDescription | |
CExecArgs | ExecArgs class is used to create execution arguments based on a parameter seperator value scheme. Can be used to dynamically add new types of commands. E.g. voltage = 3 |
Chttp::HttpVersion | |
▼Cstd::logic_error | |
Chttp::RequestError | |
Chttp::Request | |
Chttp::Response | |
▼Cstd::runtime_error | |
Chttp::ResponseError | |
Chttp::detail::Socket | |
Chttp::Socket | |
Chttp::Status | |
CSubArg | This class implements sub-arguments which can be added to a ExecArgs object. This is required, when parts of the command contains a substructure, e.g. smua.voltage = 10, then smu.voltage can be represented as SubArg |
Chttp::Uri |