Instrument Control Lib
Framework to control Oscilloscopes, SMUs, Function Generators and DC Powersupplies via Ethernet.
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CCommandLineInterfaceThis class represents a command line interface to execute common functions of VISA devices
 CDeviceBasic device class This class contains all basic method of all devices, like Connect, Exec, WhatAmI etc
 CKST3000Mixed Single Oscilloscope(Oscillator) Commend operations of a single generator are defined. KST3000 is the model of the device(keysight 3000 series)
 CSMUDummy class to allow assignment to SMU class
 CKEI2600This class implements the basic functionality of Keithley 2600 series SMU's
 CExecArgsExecArgs class is used to create execution arguments based on a parameter seperator value scheme. Can be used to dynamically add new types of commands. E.g. voltage = 3
 CSubArgThis class implements sub-arguments which can be added to a ExecArgs object. This is required, when parts of the command contains a substructure, e.g. smua.voltage = 10, then smu.voltage can be represented as SubArg