Instrument Control Lib
Framework to control Oscilloscopes, SMUs, Function Generators and DC Powersupplies via Ethernet.
This is the complete list of members for FunctionGenerator, including all inherited members.
ARBITRARY enum value | FunctionGenerator | |
BUFFER_ENABLED enum value | Device | |
changeSendMode(SEND_METHOD mode) | Device | |
CHANNEL_A enum value | FunctionGenerator | |
CHANNEL_B enum value | FunctionGenerator | |
Connect() | Device | |
DC_VOLTAGE enum value | FunctionGenerator | |
delay(double delayTime) | Device | |
Device(std::string ipAddress, int timeoutInMs, SEND_METHOD mode=DIRECT_SEND, bool throwException=true) | Device | explicit |
Device(std::string ipAddress, int timeoutInMs, PIL::Logging *logger, SEND_METHOD mode=DIRECT_SEND, bool throwException=true) | Device | explicit |
Device(std::string ipAddress, uint16_t srcPort, uint16_t destPort, int timeoutInMs, PIL::Logging *logger, SEND_METHOD mode=DIRECT_SEND, bool throwException=true) | Device | explicit |
DIRECT_SEND enum value | Device | |
Disconnect() | Device | |
errorOccured(PIL_ERROR_CODE errorCode) | Device | protectedstatic |
Exec(const std::string &command, ExecArgs *args=nullptr, char *result=nullptr, bool br=true, int size=1024) | Device | |
Exec(const std::string &command, ExecArgs *args, std::string *result, bool br) | Device | |
ExecCommands(std::string &commands) | Device | |
FUNC_CHANNEL enum name | FunctionGenerator | |
FUNCTION_TYPE enum name | FunctionGenerator | |
FunctionGenerator(const char *ip, int timeoutInMs, PIL::Logging *logger) | FunctionGenerator | explicit |
getBufferedScript() | Device | |
getCurrentAmplitude() const | FunctionGenerator | |
getDeviceIdentifier() | Device | |
getOutputFunction() const | FunctionGenerator | |
handleErrorsAndLogging(PIL_ERROR_CODE errorCode, bool throwException, PIL::Level logLevel, const std::string &fileName, int line, std::string formatStr,...) | Device | protected |
isBuffered() const | Device | |
isOpen() const | Device | |
isOutputEnabled() const | FunctionGenerator | |
m_Amplitude | FunctionGenerator | protected |
m_BufferedScript | Device | protected |
m_CurrentFunction | FunctionGenerator | protected |
m_destPort | Device | protected |
m_DeviceName | Device | protected |
m_EnableExceptions | Device | protected |
m_ErrorHandle | Device | protected |
m_IPAddr | Device | protected |
m_Logger | Device | protected |
m_OutputEnabled | FunctionGenerator | protected |
m_SendMode | Device | protected |
m_SocketHandle | Device | protected |
m_srcPort | Device | protected |
NEGATIVE_RAM enum value | FunctionGenerator | |
NOISE enum value | FunctionGenerator | |
postRequest(const std::string &url, std::string &payload) | Device | protectedstatic |
PSEUDO_RANDOM_BIT_STREAM enum value | FunctionGenerator | |
RAMP enum value | FunctionGenerator | |
replaceAllSubstrings(std::string str, const std::string &from, const std::string &to) | Device | protectedstatic |
ReturnErrorMessage() | Device | |
SEND_METHOD enum name | Device | |
setAmplitude(double value, const char *constrain)=0 | FunctionGenerator | pure virtual |
setFrequency(double value)=0 | FunctionGenerator | pure virtual |
setFunction(FUNCTION_TYPE functionType)=0 | FunctionGenerator | pure virtual |
setOffset(double offset)=0 | FunctionGenerator | pure virtual |
setPhase(double value)=0 | FunctionGenerator | pure virtual |
SIN enum value | FunctionGenerator | |
splitString(const std::string &toSplit, const std::string &delimiter) | Device | protectedstatic |
SQUARE enum value | FunctionGenerator | |
TRIANGLE enum value | FunctionGenerator | |
turnOff()=0 | FunctionGenerator | pure virtual |
turnOn()=0 | FunctionGenerator | pure virtual |
vectorToStringNL(std::vector< std::string > vector) | Device | protectedstatic |
~Device() | Device |